Thursday 11 December 2014

Masthead Designing

After doing a range of ideas for my front cover, I have chosen to test a range of colours for my masthead in order to try and make it stand out more on the front cover. I found that when I had everything on the front cover the masthead did not stand out as much as some of the graphics and features that are included in the magazine.

 I have tested the different coloured mastheads on one of my composition ideas to see howw it fits in with the colour scheme. The blue is to dark and doesn't stand out against the background. The green also doesn't go well on the front cover because it is a completly different colour and doesnt fit in with the rest of the colours, however a positive of the green is that it stands out really well against the background. The rest of the colours go quite well with the magazine because they fit in with the colour scheme.

Friday 5 December 2014

Final Design Ideas

 This is my original design with nothing changed to it. This design is quite simple and has a lot of colour.

On this design I have changed the writing around the person cut out " Jessica Laurens"

 On this design I have changed the way that the smaller features are shown on the page, I have placed the text around the person instead of having it going across her body and I have moved the Taylor Swift smaller feature below it.

 On this one I have kept the layout of the previous one however I have changed the colour of the graphics to red.
On this one I have used the previous design with the red and then I have placed a pink pokadot theme on the background.

Thursday 27 November 2014

Composition Ideas

 This is my first compsition idea                                           
+ It includes more than one image
+ The image covers the whole of the magazine
+ Text stands out against graphics
+ Images are excellent quality
 + relevant to the genre

- Font's need changing
- Bolder colours
- To much like a poster
- Poster images are to big
- Not using space effectively
This is my second composition idea
 +got a lot more going on
+more colour
+Stands out a bit more than the first idea
+ has more images
+ text is bolder

- the background overpowers the image
- some of the colours do not match
- to many colours not sticking to a basic colour scheme

This is my third composition idea
+ Sticks to a basic colour scheme with graphics of yellow, pink and blue
+ text stands out better, they are bolder
+used a range of photoshop techniques
+ white background is simple and doesnt over power the images
+ figure looks more 3D with a shadow

- need more on the footer banner than just one piece
-change the font of the footer
-get rid of the iphone picture looks to tacky

Existing Pop magazine layouts

Magazine Main Image Ideas

These are 3 front cover ideas to begin with, I posted a post on FB to ask which one works best for a Pop magazine cover. The people who replied said that they liked the above photo better. With the blue dress and pink background.

Shoot Two

Tuesday 25 November 2014

What I Am Going To Do Next

Next I am going to do another shoot, however this is for the smaller images for my front cover that will promote the smaller features and make it more like a pop magazine. I will use a range of ideas for example I can use male figures looking all "hot" to attract female attention to the magazine and put it along side a smaller feature for example "latest boy troubles" or "latest boy gossip". This appeals to the female audience which is the target audience who I am going for.

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Shoot One

Before starting my shoot I had to get my model ready, this is a quick clip showing make up preparation for the shoot. This video was made using windows movie maker.

This video shows a section of the photoshoot

Unedited images from shoot
 for the second half of my shoot, I got my model to change into a jumpsuit so that she could move around a bit more and make more fun shots.

The next lot of photos are ones that I do not like and will not use.