Thursday 27 November 2014

Composition Ideas

 This is my first compsition idea                                           
+ It includes more than one image
+ The image covers the whole of the magazine
+ Text stands out against graphics
+ Images are excellent quality
 + relevant to the genre

- Font's need changing
- Bolder colours
- To much like a poster
- Poster images are to big
- Not using space effectively
This is my second composition idea
 +got a lot more going on
+more colour
+Stands out a bit more than the first idea
+ has more images
+ text is bolder

- the background overpowers the image
- some of the colours do not match
- to many colours not sticking to a basic colour scheme

This is my third composition idea
+ Sticks to a basic colour scheme with graphics of yellow, pink and blue
+ text stands out better, they are bolder
+used a range of photoshop techniques
+ white background is simple and doesnt over power the images
+ figure looks more 3D with a shadow

- need more on the footer banner than just one piece
-change the font of the footer
-get rid of the iphone picture looks to tacky

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