Friday 6 February 2015

Questions For My Article

The questions that I will use for my article will be

  1. Did you know how fast you would hit 2 million? 
  2. Unfaithful is quite a deep song with lots of meaning how did you come up with these ideas? 
  3. Where are you from?  Has this influenced your music? 
  4. Have you felt like you have given a message across to the audience? If so what message? 
  5. Which famous musicians do you admire? Why? 
  6. Have you ever embarrassed yourself on stage? 
  7. How do you handle college and music? 
  8. Did you sing when you were younger? 
  9. If you could go back in time what would you do differently? 
  10. Have you being caught at an embarrassing moment, if so what was the picture? 

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