Wednesday 22 October 2014

Demographic Data & Gratification Model

Demographic Data
Demographic data is hard detail, it is a systematical way of stereotyping people using things like age, gender, race and economic class to create the target consumer population for a product.

Example Questions that may be asked:
- gender male/ female
- age 6-11, 12-15, 16-19, 20-24, 25-34, 35+
- occupation, students, school age, proffesional (being to uni eg teacher, nurse. something that requires a degree) skilled (plumber, electritian, construction worker etc), manual (cleaner, factory etc), unemployed.
- income, £0 - £10,000 , £10,000-£15,000, £15,000 - £20,000, £20,000- £25,000 and £30,000 +

When thinking about creating a magazine age is very important. If you are aiming it at a younger audience, you need to use less complex language and usually there are more pictures than text as it appeals to them more. If it had complex language the audience may not understand and therefore will no longer buy the magazine. Often magazines will use slang language or words that may suit that age. However when aimed at an older audience they will use more sophistcated language. In magazines aimed at older people there is generally a lot more information/ text than images. The images are usually more formal and grown up compared to a younger audience where the images will include people messing around and having fun.

Another important thing to consider when making a magazine is the gender of the target audience. In a female magazine it is more likely to talk about other things such as shopping, gossip and male advice. This appeals to a female audience more and due to this being what a stereotypical woman is in to when reading a magazine. When thinking about colour schemes it will more likely to be pinks and purples and quite light colours also depending on the age as well.  However when advertising to a male audience it is completely different as it will include things such as cars, women and football which stereotypically males are into. The colour scheme will also be a lot more masculine including blacks, blue and greens which are quite dark colours.

Economic class is also important when choosing the target audience for your magazine. If you are aiming for an upper middle class audience the presentation of the magazine will be a lot more organised and professionally done like a buisness magazine compared to something that may be aimed towards a lower class which may be a bit more messy and fun. It also depends on how much they earn. The upper classes are more likely to buy a magzine that is £4 that suits them as an audience where as a lower class person is more likely to buy a magazine for £1.99 as it is cheaper and they may enjoy that kind of magazine as it is more aimed at them.

Psychographic Information
Psychographics is the study of  opinons, personality, attitudes and interests. Pyschographic factors are also called IAO variables. It can often be confused with demographic data. When used in the field of marketing it can be valuable for studies of indivuals or groups of people. The types of questions that you may ask when asking for psychographic information are:
- name your favrioute artist (Could provide a list)
- how do you consume music? ( do you listen to the radio, buy cds, subscribe to an online providence, eg spotify, itunes, download tracks illegally, see a live band,)
-what are your favrioute brands? (converse, superdry, apple, etg) rank
- how often do you read about music online? (once a week, once a month, everyday, never)
-how much would you pay for a weekly, monthly magazine? £1-£2, £2-£3, £3-£4
These questions are a lot more personal to the audience and depending on the person can vary a lot. This is helpful to know because then you can find out about different types of people and how you can market your product to fit them.

Gratification Model
 The gratification theory is an approach to understanding why and how people actively seek out specific media to satisfy specific needs. UGT is an audience-centered approach to understanding mass communication. It is a theory developed by Blulmer and Katz.
This diagram was created by Maslow. This diagram states the foundations to the peak of our being, at the bottom is the most important with breathing, food and water etc. At the top is self actualization including things such as morality and creativity. This model relates to human beings and their needs and not media. Below is a gratification model realted to media.

 This shows the different people and why people use media, there are a range of different researchers who all suggested different reasons for media use.

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