Wednesday 22 October 2014

My Target Audience- Existing Reader Profiles

Existing reader profiles
First Reader Profile= We Love Pop 
This reader profile shows that the magazine is a monthly magazine which is mainly aimed at a female audience. This is portrayed through he use of colour used on the magazine. The target age for this magazine is the ages 13-15. This means that because they are aiming it at a younger audience they need to make the content that they place in the magazine suitable for that audience. The magazine as a whole is not just aimed at music it also has other parts to it to make it appeal more to the audience that they are aiming for. They have done this by adding fashion, celebrities and gossip into the magazine as well. This gets more people reading the magazine and buying it. Because it is such a popular magazine it costs a lot to advertise in the magazine, the kind of people that would buy a page to advertise on would be company's that know that their product would fit the age range that the magazine is aimed at. For example advertising an Xbox in this kind of magazine would not be appropriate where as advertising shoes or clothing company's would be more age appropriate. The price of the magazine is £2.99 compared to other magazine they can be around £1.99 or £2.50. The magazine is expensive because they add in extra gifts and discounts within the magazine. This gets more people to buy the magazine and it offers the audience something that another magazine may not have. This causes the price to go up so then the can afford to add in all these extra gifts and offers to the magazine for their readers.

Second Reader Profile - Q

This reader profile shpws that most of its audience/ readers are the male population however even though it is mainly aimed towards males 30% of their readers are female. This shows that girls can be into this kind of magazine no matter what the target audience is aiming for. Due to the magazine being aimed at an older audience it has a more mature feel to it and looks more professional as the layout is more consistant and runs throughout the magazine. As well as it being a popular magazine to buy in the shops it is also very popular online. These may be readers that love the magazine and choose to follow it online in order to keep up to date with all the lastest gossip and find out what is going on with the magazine. Because the magazine is very popular it costs other companies a lot to advertise in it. The reader profile shows how much a page would cost them to print.

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