Thursday 9 October 2014

My Music Magazine Genre Pop

I have chosen the music genre of pop because pop can cover a wide range of artists. It is also a very popular and well known catorgary. There are many pop magazines that already exist which can give me inspiration for my own magazine. It will give me pose ideas and what kind of clothing is accociated with the genre pop. There are many sub genres to pop for example pop rock, indi pop etc. I find that because there is such a range that it can appeal to a wide audience depending on what kind of pop that they are in to.
Pop History
Pop music is a term that originally derives from an abbreviation of popular. Pop music is a genre of popular music which originated what we know today in the modern form in the 1950’s in America. Pop music is just music that is popular it can be of any style, there are lots of sub genres to pop music for example hip pop, rock pop, indie pop etc. Pop music is usually very electric and it often borrows elements from other styles of music. The typical structure to a pop song is often verse to chorus structure, this means that the chorus is constantly being repeated throughout the song, it has melodic tunes which are very catchy and tend to stick in a person’s head. Pure pop is described as a mixture of hard rock and melodic pop music, it tends to be more aggressive than pop-rock. It usually includes instruments such as electric guitars, bass, drums etc.

Taylor Swift - Shake It Off
This is an example of a country artist who changed to the genre pop because of the music market and who she was aiming her music at. This video alone has 190,199,885 views.

Meghan Trainor- All About That Bass
This is another example of a pop artist. This is a song that is 1st in the top 40 (see below) and is very popular in the pop catorgary.  This view has 169,913,887 views. There is a decrease in views between Taylor Swift and Meghan Trainor because Taylor Swift has being an artist for longer and has developed a bigger fan base as she has released many albums.

The stars on the top 40 show the songs that are pop. There are exactly half pop songs in the top 40, this shows that the pop genre is very popular. This includes pop as a whole including sub category's like electro-pop and rock pop.

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