Thursday 27 November 2014

Composition Ideas

 This is my first compsition idea                                           
+ It includes more than one image
+ The image covers the whole of the magazine
+ Text stands out against graphics
+ Images are excellent quality
 + relevant to the genre

- Font's need changing
- Bolder colours
- To much like a poster
- Poster images are to big
- Not using space effectively
This is my second composition idea
 +got a lot more going on
+more colour
+Stands out a bit more than the first idea
+ has more images
+ text is bolder

- the background overpowers the image
- some of the colours do not match
- to many colours not sticking to a basic colour scheme

This is my third composition idea
+ Sticks to a basic colour scheme with graphics of yellow, pink and blue
+ text stands out better, they are bolder
+used a range of photoshop techniques
+ white background is simple and doesnt over power the images
+ figure looks more 3D with a shadow

- need more on the footer banner than just one piece
-change the font of the footer
-get rid of the iphone picture looks to tacky

Existing Pop magazine layouts

Magazine Main Image Ideas

These are 3 front cover ideas to begin with, I posted a post on FB to ask which one works best for a Pop magazine cover. The people who replied said that they liked the above photo better. With the blue dress and pink background.

Shoot Two

Tuesday 25 November 2014

What I Am Going To Do Next

Next I am going to do another shoot, however this is for the smaller images for my front cover that will promote the smaller features and make it more like a pop magazine. I will use a range of ideas for example I can use male figures looking all "hot" to attract female attention to the magazine and put it along side a smaller feature for example "latest boy troubles" or "latest boy gossip". This appeals to the female audience which is the target audience who I am going for.

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Shoot One

Before starting my shoot I had to get my model ready, this is a quick clip showing make up preparation for the shoot. This video was made using windows movie maker.

This video shows a section of the photoshoot

Unedited images from shoot
 for the second half of my shoot, I got my model to change into a jumpsuit so that she could move around a bit more and make more fun shots.

The next lot of photos are ones that I do not like and will not use.  


Google Mock Ups

For all my google mocks ups, I am using original headlines and masthead that I will use of my final piece. The only thing that I will change is the image into one of my own.

Google Mock Up One
For this google mock up I have chosen to use a medium close up image to see how I would fit the headlines around the figure without covering to much of her up. This is useful if I was to use a medium close up image for my final piece
Google Mock Up Two

For this google mock up I have used a medium shot with the figures arms up in the air in order to show different positioning that may be used. I don't really like this google mock up because the arm is going into the masthead and distracts away from it. Its a bit to plain and would need a bit more on the cover.
Google Mock Up Three

For this google mock up I have used a long shot image, this shows a variety of ways that I could present my final cover. The main problem with this one is that the background and the masthead clash making the masthead less visible

Friday 7 November 2014

Headline Ideas

Main Feature Ideas
- New Pop Queen?
- Alexa Parks takes top spot in uk top 40
- exculsive Alexa Parks interview

Smaller feature ideas
- what everyone is saying about pop music
- win a free iphone 6
- win a 6 month trial with spotify
- exclusive behind the scene images of new bands
- a day in the life of teen idol pixie lott

Production Of Front Cover Plan

1. Google mock ups
is using images that you can find off the internet that you may put on your final cover. Images that will infulence my images that i will take. use original masthead and headlines
take original images
2. Taking orginal images  can start before then, at least 4 orginal images of my own must be pop music related.
Take at least 20 images of different poses and arrangments. Phone record make up and photoshop
3. Manipulating images, photoshop. . layout of front cover
4. Refining the design
5. Friday 12th December last day before christmas holidays
Deadline to post final front cover up
6. Exam Week

Thursday 6 November 2014

My Masthead Design & Branding

I have tested a range of different fonts in order to find a style that I think will suit a pop magazine. I have tested a range of different colours and ways of presenting my fonts. The fonts above have being done using Photoshop. Out of these fonts I personally like the Forte font. It is very bold and stands out from the page, however it doesn't look like it would be something that would be used for a pop magazine. The other fonts for example Ravi and Berlin sans FB demi are not fonts that you would associate with pop music as they are very bold.

The fonts at the side are more related to pop music as they have a more girly feel to them. However some of the curly fonts are not good to use because they may not stand out or look like a masthead of the magazine. I really like LoveNess as it is very girly and stands out. However the font is to thin and when placed on a front cover it wouldn't stand out. I really like Mf Queen Leela the most out of all the fonts because it is really unique but not to complex. The letters have a slight curl but are not to fancy. I think that this is perfect for my magazine name.

The font that I am choosing for my magazine masthead is Mf Queen Leela. This is because it is not to complex and it still has a girly feel to it to add that femine touch to the magazine cover. This is because the magazine is mainly aimed at a female audience rather than a male audience.

My Magazine Name

  • Pop
  • Glitter
  • Sugar
  • Pink
  • Glamour
  • Twinkle
  • Glitz
  • Glimmer
  • Shine
  • Shimmer
  • Sparkle
  • Chic
 The name I have chosen for my magazine is Chic. This is because it is very simple and rememberable, this is good when designing a masthead because it means that it will fit on the page in a large sized text. I also chose Chic because it relates to being quite girly which is the audience that I am aiming my magazine towards rather than boys. I have done this because when I did my survey more girls are interested in pop music.

Wednesday 5 November 2014

My Price

My magazine will be
Price: £1.99
Deal One:  you get a weekly gift for £10 a month
Deal Two: Magazine £1.50 a week with a newsletter if subscribe for 1 year

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Price Of Existing Magazines

Top Of The Pops
Price: £4.99
Additionals: They get small gifts eg, makeup and accesories each time they buy the magazine. This is why it is so expensive

We Love Pop
Price: £3.99
Subscribe: "We Love Pop Newsletter to get all the latest Pop news and gossip!"
Additionals:They get small gifts eg, makeup and sweets each time they buy the magazine. This is why it is so expensive.

Price: £5.10