Thursday 6 November 2014

My Masthead Design & Branding

I have tested a range of different fonts in order to find a style that I think will suit a pop magazine. I have tested a range of different colours and ways of presenting my fonts. The fonts above have being done using Photoshop. Out of these fonts I personally like the Forte font. It is very bold and stands out from the page, however it doesn't look like it would be something that would be used for a pop magazine. The other fonts for example Ravi and Berlin sans FB demi are not fonts that you would associate with pop music as they are very bold.

The fonts at the side are more related to pop music as they have a more girly feel to them. However some of the curly fonts are not good to use because they may not stand out or look like a masthead of the magazine. I really like LoveNess as it is very girly and stands out. However the font is to thin and when placed on a front cover it wouldn't stand out. I really like Mf Queen Leela the most out of all the fonts because it is really unique but not to complex. The letters have a slight curl but are not to fancy. I think that this is perfect for my magazine name.

The font that I am choosing for my magazine masthead is Mf Queen Leela. This is because it is not to complex and it still has a girly feel to it to add that femine touch to the magazine cover. This is because the magazine is mainly aimed at a female audience rather than a male audience.

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