Tuesday 11 November 2014

Google Mock Ups

For all my google mocks ups, I am using original headlines and masthead that I will use of my final piece. The only thing that I will change is the image into one of my own.

Google Mock Up One
For this google mock up I have chosen to use a medium close up image to see how I would fit the headlines around the figure without covering to much of her up. This is useful if I was to use a medium close up image for my final piece
Google Mock Up Two

For this google mock up I have used a medium shot with the figures arms up in the air in order to show different positioning that may be used. I don't really like this google mock up because the arm is going into the masthead and distracts away from it. Its a bit to plain and would need a bit more on the cover.
Google Mock Up Three

For this google mock up I have used a long shot image, this shows a variety of ways that I could present my final cover. The main problem with this one is that the background and the masthead clash making the masthead less visible

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