Friday 20 March 2015

Evaluation Question Three

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? 

Even though they already publish a magazine for pop music, mine is aimed at a slightly different audience therefore it wouldn't be competing much with the other magazine "top of the pops". I think that this would be perfect for distributing my product as it is a very well established company that has many dedicated readers.

This is what my app would look like when it has been opened. It would contain a range of different sections that people may be interested in. The gossip would contain extra gossip that hasn't being included in the magazine issue that was just released. However this app doesn't replace the magazine, if people would rather read the magazine off the app when they click on the latest issue it will come up with a small sneak preview or to buy the magazine to view on the app at the cost of £1.99.
The subscribe button allows the reader/ user to subscribe to the magazine to receive offers and discounts on the magazine. 

As I found out from my audience data research people like to read about music once a week at most, therefore I think that it would be beneficial to have an app for my readers to gain quick access to the magazine content without giving to much away of what's in the magazine. It would include games and quizes and advice on quite a few topics. 

1 comment:

  1. I hope that your magazine will be able to capture to attention of the readers and they will show interest in reading it. The app will make it more accessible to the wider audience.
