Tuesday 16 September 2014

Colour Scheme Ideas

These are some ideas for colour for my Masthead, I have a varied amount of coloured ideas. I could relate it to Wyke college and use purple as the main colour however I could also use colours that really stand out from the page for example red. Black is to used and can be quite boring.

For the subtitles, for the smaller features you don't want anything that will over power the title and make it stand out even more. You want something that is more subtle and is still visable but not bright and colourful. Simple colours such as dark blues and black is a good appropriate choice.  Same for the actual text as well, it is better to use black for text in the contents page because it is easily readable and the reader won't be struggling
For my image I intend to use bright colours to make the person stand out for example reds, pinks, greens etc. 

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