Tuesday 16 September 2014

Semiotics and Signifiers

Semiotics and Signifiers

Firstly the woman is staring directly at the camera/ viewer, to gain our attention to the magazine. The camera shot is of a medium close up, the camera has being set so that the figure is in full focus and the background behind her is blurred, this creates a nice effect because then the background doesn’t over power the main focus of the image. The smile on her face suggests that she is enjoying college and everything that it has to offer. Her body language is very opening making the girl seem friendly. The image is the main focus of the magazine cover as there is no other images and only text around the edges.
Bright and vibrant colours have being used in this cover to create a happy mood. Her skin is glowing making her seem happy and healthy, the aim of the magazine is to sell. We are given small clues to what is inside the magazine, making us want to read more with catchy simple sentences for example "TUCKER MAX, He better hope they serve beer in hell. Exclusive Interview" this makes the reader want to buy the magazine and read all about what they saw on the front. The word "Exclusive" has connotations of them being the only magazine that has this interview, your not going to find this anywhere else and so on. This is trying to get the audience who like Tucker Max to buy this magazine and read all about this "exclusive interview" that they have. The masthead of the magazine is a bright red, red has negative connotations of danger and blood this could infer that college is very demanding and will stretch you to your limits however, it also has positive connotations of love and passion this could infer that college will also be a lot of fun and you will have a love for your subjects and maybe also find a love for the people around you. The shirt is also the only other red thing on this image, this could suggest that she loves coming to college and that she is really enjoying it. The image has very sharp focus and the lighting makes the background behind the figures shirt white this makes the red shirt stand out in the middle of the image. The figure is the centre of attention in this image as she is stood centre and in full focus. The writing around her is very subtle however it is still readable. The colours used are mainly blues, blacks and reds in this cover with a green background which represents nature and fresh air, this makes college seem more relaxed and that you would have more freedom than you did before at school.

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