Tuesday 23 September 2014

Photoshop Steps To Contents Page

To begin with I edited one of the images that would be on my contents page. As you can see in the layers bar, I have adjusted the levels to make the image darker, after I applied a black & white layer. Using the eraser I rubbed out the black & white overlay from the figure and book case to make them stand out better. Finally for this image I adjusted the brightness and contrast so that the image wasn't dark.
Next I edited the second image for the contents page, first I created a black background to give it a border, then I adjusted the levels to make the image darker as it was to bright. After I adjusted the exposure to make it more exposed and slightly brighter in some places. Then I added a gradient using the eraser tool I rubbed away the gradient layer from the figure. It gives the figure a nice outline/ shadow. Finally I added a black and white layer to vary the amount of colour that I have on my contents page.
Finally I made the final contents page. I made a new canvas A4,  next I painted a purple background lowering the opacity to make it lighter insted of a solid colour. Then I used the white brush again lowering the opacity to that it blends into the purple background. I think that the messy look, looks quite good and effective because its not trying to hard to be perfect. Then I added on my two images making them smaller to fit onto the page. I added a black border around the top image as I did not do this on the orginal image. Then I added all the page numbers. Finally on a different layer I added all the contents text of the magazine onto the page. Making sure that I included everything from my front cover.

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