Tuesday 23 September 2014

Photoshop Steps To Final Front Cover

Step One: First I opened up Photoshop and opened image DSC_0060. This is the main image that I am going to use as my medium close up front cover, I have chosen this image because it has great lighting and the background has already being slightly blurred by the camera to make the figure stand out better.

Next I have used the burn tool to make the floor a bit darker around the figure to give a bit of shadow behind her.


Then I adjusted the levels to make the image darker in some parts and lighter in others this makes the image look better in quality and makes it stand out.  

Brightness: -70
Contrast: -24

Exposure: -0.58
Offset: -0.0026
Gamma Correction: 1.37

Saturation: +16
Vibrance: +63

Then I used the black and white tool to make the whole image black and white next I used the eraser to get rid of the black and white on the figure to make the figure colourful again. I like this because it tones down the background a bit more so its not in your face.

Font: Lucida Calligraphy then I added a purple stroke outline and an inner white glow this created this really nice header.
Size 170

"A WYKE College Magazine"
Font:  Modern NO 22
Size: 24 
Colour: White

Added a purple banner same colour as the masthead outline
Opacity- 87% so you can still see a small bit of background behind it.

Next I took an image of my Iphone and added it into the magazine cover as one of my smaller features about Iphones. I added a black rectangle to get rid of the reflection in the screen.

"Is Apple Bigger Than Ever" text
Size- 45
Colour- Red
Font- Modern No 20
Effect- Outer glow

"Halloween Party Of The Year!" text
Size- 36
Colour- White with green outer glow
Font- Modern No 20

"Free lunch pass with every purchase of a termly bus pass" text
Size- 18
Colour- White
Font- Lucida Sans Typewriter

"Win tickets to any concert of your choice" text
Size- 24
Colour  White
Font- Lucida Sans Typewriter

Barcode and price
Made it using a website

"Issue Number 01, 23rd September 2014"
Size- 14
Colour - white
Font- Modern No 20

"New Start, New Students"
Size- 169
Colour- white with purple stroke outline
Font- Modern No 20

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