Thursday 18 September 2014

Photoshop Testing

Using Photoshop
For this image I used 7 different images, bear, hat, bow tie, astronaut, space background, sand dunes and Eiffel Tower.
 I set up a background (white) 1000 X 800. Next I added the sand dunes using the scale tool I scaled the image to fit the whole of the screen whilst using shift and dragging the corners to the side. I saved the file .psd file so when editing I can edit the layers later on until I am happy with the final product. The next image I put on was the Eiffel tower, I dragged the file on top of the sand dunes, using the polygon lasso tool I cut out the background and placed the Eiffel tower in the background of my sand dunes. To make it look like it was behind some of the sand dunes I copied and pasted part of the sand dunes on top of the Eiffel tower, this makes it look like it is behind the sand. After that I used an eraser at 1px to get rid of the background left behind in the structure. I adjusted the darkness around the Eiffel tower using the burn tool to make it darker at the bottom of the structure. After I added the astronaut again using the polygon lasso tool I cut out the astronaut from the background and using the scaling tool I made him smaller in front of the Eiffel tower. Using the burn tool again I added a shadow underneath him to make him look more realistic. For the bear I used the polygon lasso tool however I change the outline to feather 2. this makes the bear look more fuzzy and realistic. Next I added the top hat and bow tie using the same techniques as before then adjusting the fill to make them look better. Lastly I added in the space background. I moved the space background layer above the sand dunes, using the eye I made it invisible then copied the sand dunes onto another layer. After I made it visible again, finally I adjusted the hue on the background to make it blue. I think this adds quite a nice effect to the image.

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